3 Simple Ways to Make Better Coffee

3 Simple Ways to Make Better Coffee

3 Simple Tips for a Better Morning Brew

For most people, their morning coffee is the MOST IMPORTANT meal of the day.

(yes I'm talking to you tired parents and weary office-workers!)

And what better way to save time & money than by making it yourself at your home or office.

So here are 3 simple ways you can improve your morning coffee-making game:

💧 Use Better Water

If you are making drip coffee, using a plunger or drink a long black, it's easy to forget that WATER is the largest ingredient by volume. Perth water doesn't taste great straight from the tap, but if you filter it first using a Brita Filter Jug (about $30 from Woolies) you'll get a much cleaner tasting coffee.

🥛 Use Better Milk

Whether it's a flat white from your home espresso machine or just a dash in your morning stove-top, the milk you use can have a big impact on coffee flavour. We recommend Brownes Extra Creamy or Bannister Downs for a super deluxe taste (if you drink dairy milk) and anything by The Alternative Milk Co. for delicious dairy-free options.

☕️ Use Better Beans

You can occasionally fluke an okay coffee using average milk & water but it's IMPOSSIBLE to brew a delicious coffee with average beans. Using better beans is by far the easiest way to level-up your morning coffee game.

As long-time Perth coffee roasters, here at Coffee Beans Perth we've perfected our specialty coffee beans for over 10 years and have served them to 100K+ happy customers at our infamous Perth cafe, Jessies Cafe.

To use these same DELICIOUS Perth coffee beans at your home or workplace just click below:


Brew well!

Jess & Cal

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